ENGLISH NEWS International


Sulaiman Ahmed


“We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), highly praise and appreciate the mass crowds that responded to the call of the first Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan, marching, uniting, and secluding themselves in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. We congratulate their bond and salute their steadfastness, sacrifices, their conquering over the violations of the zionist occupation, and their breaking of the siege imposed on the first qibla of Muslims and the third of the two holy, honorable mosques [in Mecca and Medina].

These massive crowds that filled the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque today for Friday and taraweeh prayers, despite the ban, persecution, blocking of paths, arrests, and removals, reaffirm that our Palestinian people, and at its heart, our people stationed throughout the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied interior, constitute the first line of defense for Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa, and they will not allow the zionist enemy’s plans to pass to desecrate or divide it.

We call on the masses of our Palestinian people to continue their march in this blessed month, in defense of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, protecting it, and defending it by all means, and to confront all attempts by the occupation and its herds of settlers to impose an irreversible decision on its pure land, which has never been, and will never be anything but purely Islamic.”