The Life We Dare

The Life We Dare
I dare not look, for truth is a stranger who appears to standout in the vicious swelling crowd, who eerily makes perturbing eye contact and motions a nod of humility then nervously breaks a contemptuous smile of delusional Brethren’s compassion, acknowledging the unscrupulous toils in inebriated despair of a reckless resolve, who then suddenly, like a fleeting incubus, dissipates into the vaporized rays of yesterday’s light, swollen with feverishly charged intoxication of delinquencies own questionability amongst the rage filled riot of a blazing assault upon its own ideals by which its unmerited cause is escalated by the very liberties that bring such mindless chaos to bare, and through the obstructed focus of bewilderment, all of this, I can clearly see.

I dare not listen, for the scornful words spewed in propagandas provocation shall cry out in vehement taunts of inaudible shrill, cast piercingly without spoken vocabulary but instead with premeditated actions of extemporizations calamity, for of them, a distorted irrational blurriness of fact less wisdoms speaks in a explosive tirade of unprincipled rants depicting a caustic future that through the disfunction of eroticism and denunciation, to which they eagerly pledge themselves. The blasphemous melody that I can clearly hear.

I dare not speak, gaged are the voices of consternation, woe and trepidation, the soft voices of those who fearfully withdrew from incivility long ago, bound to the ideological necessity of mass order, religious resolve and a pledge to a greater good, that which they were willing to die for, so to provide a peaceful existence for their children and their futures, and to further the freedoms and liberties to exercise the very morality that now destroy the incompetent spawn. For they have become the atrocity of the liberation who surrendered their sovereignty and discharge the ammunition of autonomy.

For dignity itself has been assassinated in plain sight, in the open aired center court of unprincipled delusional contempt for itself, the unbridled rhetoric of social divisions dim light of intolerable ignorance offers the humbled, a righteous last look from atop the unsteady, creaking, hastily erected gallows by which the rope of intolerance breaks the stretching neck of a tempered humanity, as the latch of scowling defiance unhooks the iron clasped trap door of arrogance, that which falls instantly away from beneath their flailing limbs, as I hold my breath.

I dare not pray, for it seems, the God they forcibly prayed to has been slain upon the gilded throne from which they have been unwillingly ruled. The flowing white shimmering vail of heavens gentle whispering drift, has been shred and stained with the toxic impurities of thick dark blood, purged from arteries of the lives that have been forever forsaken. The heavenly kingdom of peace and purity has been overtaken, burned down to nothing more than a fading glow of white bearded ashes, set ablaze by the hearts of scourged human selfishness and spoiled entitlements. It’s irresponsible idealisms has collided with the revocation of faithful optimism and shed all its dreadful fears and inhibitions.

Life lived in serenity is in rapid decline, as the dying sun crashes into the onlooking stars while optimisms fantasy has been put to death, a time for fate to meet its own fate when the unfulfilled hunger of a ravenous destiny shall devour itself.

The tyranny of rapaciousness has besieged its blessings and as a consequence of such actions the imposition of anarchy, at its worst, becomes an unrecoverable state, that which shall be the hell by which the ignorant shall horrifically suffer the torturous misdeeds of self infliction.

The misguided quintessential mockery of the blessed charity’s of forgiveness and the grace of patience, brings upon itself, its own end.

The gift of blissful tranquility has become the tomb of insurrection and perpetual annihilation in an unfathomable paradox. God forgive them!

Dare I live ? For I once new a home where my brothers and sisters were free, free to pursue a blissful existence beneath the sky’s of theological divinities and individuality, in a world of impassioned diversities.

Perhaps upon another starlight sphere far from here.
Does such a place exist beyond the dying sun, beyond this fractured sky of a faceless witness ?

He who laughs heartily in amusement as the eternal light of each and every star is sacrificed in the folds and creases of the infinite unmeasurable vastness of time, for to breath the bitter air of this inevitability is to question the purpose of a rapturous existence, that which has peaked and is in obvious decline.

A pointless purpose that contributes nothing more than a past, a diminished heritage of distractions spawned in the splendors of ideologies dominance, ravaged by eccentricities of insecurities narcissism, dressed in the ribbons and lace of peacefulness and prostituted in a moment of Levites hysteria, venomously impregnated in the heat of anarchy by the thirst of savagery, molested by misguided animals who choose to return to the primal screams of the darkness that rose up to a destiny of degradation. Rhapsodically my heart beats.

Dare I die? Once I begin my withdrawal I shall not compromise nor contradict my views nor my position, I shall merely return to the dust that came of the wondering stone. You too, have a responsibility to yourself, and however this existence effects you, it is of no concern of mine as to how you chose to dwell. I have closed myself off to such madness, however, I remind you; A meager contribution to a fragile stability shall only decay the integrity of the discipline by which it was created and maintained, the wondrous moment that is life.

This existence shall be brief and I too shall search for peace beyond the cresting wake of my divination’s celestial wave.
I ponder the purpose of my time here and take nothing forward with me.

Of my existence; enshrined shall be a marker of identity, a given name, a time of my presence etched deeply into a stone, among the others who shall leave without ever understanding “Why” we ever lived at all.
A life to which no one shall ever truly come to know, a life I dared, to be my own.