Farooque Rasheed Farooquee
Two strangers of the opposite sex become husband and wife through the relationship of marriage. Marriage deepen and enriches every facet of life, happiness is fuller, memories are fresher, commitment is stronger. When two people pledge to love and care for eachother they create a spirit unique to themselves, which binds them closer than any spoken or written words. In the relation please do remember that foreplay and after-party also is very important with actual activity for absolute pleasure of both — husband and wife. Its not a blood relation but it is the foundation of all blood relations found in the world.
Due to burden of responsibilities and duties after sometime it has been observed that husband and wife do not adjust beautifully with eachother. They don’t share the responsibilities happily and they don’t feel sympathy about their life partner. A feeling of repulsion exists between the two and they pass whole the life with a painful compromise and discomfort. It is really tragic for the family and society.

We should enjoy the moments of our life with our wife. Wife is the real pleasure of life. She is very important in her husband’s life. According to a famous writer Francis Bacon, “Wife is a mistress at young age, a companion at middle age and a nurse at old age.” Wife also should encourage and appreciate the efforts of her husband. She should maintain herself especially for her husband. Usually ladies maintain themselves for many hours when they go to some party or function. Its nice to attend important gatherings, functions and meetings. However a husband has a desire to see the beauty of whole the world in his wife. The bond of beauty, faith and care is essential for a happy and peaceful life. We usually don’t value a person when he is with us. When our partner leaves us forever we miss a lot, we regret deeply and we remember the departed soul forever. Please do remember every moment of your life is important. The bond of love, faith, peace, responsibility and sense of humour is very important between husband and wife for the successful growth and development of their children also. About the guidance of children the parents should discuss personally over all problems and issues. They should not show any difference of opinion before their children. Children feel comfort and happiness when they observe an excellent understanding between their parents. The days of our life have been numbered by The Almighty Allah. We can feel the pleasure, challenge, adventure and comfort of everyday if we adjust happily with our better half. I pray to Almighty Allah for the successful life of all couples.