“Kashmir Files” movie trying to provoke ethnic differences : “Kerala Story” destroying India’s global brand!

The Indian government of Narendra Modi, by screening “Kerala Story” movie during the past several months, proved its special use of extremist messages in the industry of narrations. Although these messages are profiteering for some, they are destructive for the bases of the India’s power from a civilizational view.

Discord among ethnicities and faiths in a country like India will weaken its national identity in the long run no matter if it is considered one of the nascent economic powers in the world. The political and the ensuing economic weakening of the country is a desirable event for those countries which are hell-bent on ordering the Indian society, particularly those ones with an exorbitant colonial profit from this country.

The West has claimed since the middle of the 20th century, to be the cradle of freedom and democracy and able to host a variety of religions and cultures, and has tried to introduce this ability as its own feature to different global communities. Naturally, seeing a rival, and that from the Old Continent with the Eastern culture (Asia) would be very hard for it.

Once India and the BJP Party realize this point, they will not allow suspicious extremist players, who donate profits to colonials, to damage the social narration on which the Indian brand is depending, hence, to sell India to the minds as a land of aggression against other faiths.

“Kerala Story” offending Indian Muslims

The movie “Kerala Story” is the imaginary story of a Hindu woman who has embraced Islam and become extremist. The movie damages the image of Indian Muslims and, with the codename of DAESH (ISIS), tries to depict Islam as an inhumane religion replete with violence.

14% of the 1.4 billion population of India saw the movie in cinemas and it was chosen as a box-office hit and the second best-seller of the year.

According to Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay, Indian journalist, cinema is especially attractive for Indians and that’s why it enjoys a unique capability to reach the public.

The movie “Kerala Story” was screened in May concurrent with elections in Karnataka state where Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by Modi, took part in it. the elections led to violent clashes.

Narendra Modi, in an election meeting, had supported this movie and accused the rival party of terrorist tendencies. The members of BJP provided free screening for the movie.

Moreover, the two state governments led by BJP also reduced taxes of tickets to persuade spectators.

Among other top movies in the field, mention can be made of “Kashmir Files” which accounts the horrible clashes in the Indian-controlled Kashmir in 1989- 1990.

The movie “Accident or Conspiracy: Godhra”, too, relates a train burning in Gujarat in 2002 which resulted in the death of 59 Hindu pilgrims and outbreak of deadly sectarian insurgency in the state.

“Kashmir Files” movie trying to provoke ethnic differences

The increase of interactions with Israel by some of the BJP heads and the activities of the US and France in India strengthen the presumption that a non-Indian and non-Muslim player is forging and deepening rifts between Hindus and Muslims. This will damage both the brand of co-existence for India to push it back in the economic rivalry with the West, and, with a less expense, weaken Muslims’ power in confrontation with Israel.

It is very alarming that forging of ethnic and religious differences, as the prime strategy of colonialist powers to hamstring other countries, has been put on the agenda by BJP. This big deception for India will lead to nothing less than numerous political and security blows on India and even the ruling party itself.