ENGLISH NEWS International

Iranian Top Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei plants olive sapling in honor of Palestine’s resistance

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Tuesday as he planted saplings to mark Iran’s national Arbor Day and Natural Resources Week said, “I thank the Iranian nation for turning up at polls on March 1.”

He also thanked the organizers of the elections and whoever assisted in holding the elections as glorious as possible, including the security forces.

The Leader emphasized on the connection between nature and humans and also emphasized about the importance of environment in Islam.

He further said the olive sapling was planted to honor the resistance shown by the Palestinians in the face of the Israeli aggression in Gaza.

Leader planting an olive sapling
Elsewhere in his remarks on Tuesday, the Leader called for continuation of relief aid by state and private sectors for the country’s flood-stricken province of Sistan and Baluchestan.

“Those capable of providing rescue and relief aid should also step in,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted.