“Historic moment” in Saudi Arabia : Models parade in bikini swimsuits for the first time

Mario Nawfal


A number of Saudi Arabian women made history on Friday by participating in the parade, which saw them modeling swimsuits without head coverings.

Several Islamic clerics condemned the show as adopting the “sinful sexual immodesty” of Western nations, but Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman remained adamant about its legitimacy.

Since rising to power, the Crown Prince has implemented several major reforms to help modernize the country.

Source: MSN

Clash Report
“Historic moment” in Saudi Arabia: Models parade in bikini swimsuits for the first time.

This is a first for the country.

The show took place at Red Sea Fashion Week at a large luxury hotel on the island of Ummahat Alshaikh, off the west coast of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia held its first fashion show featuring swimsuit models, an envelope-pushing step in a country where less than a decade ago women were required to wear body-covering abaya robes.

The show took place at Red Sea Fashion Week at a large luxury hotel on the island of Ummahat Alshaikh, off the west coast of Saudi Arabia .

“Historic moment” in Saudi Arabia:

Models parade in bikini swimsuits for the first time. This is a first for the country. The show took place at Red Sea Fashion Week at a large luxury hotel on the island of Ummahat Alshaikh, off the west coast of Saudi Arabia.