ENGLISH NEWS International

#China makes a splash with new #AI_powered water cannon

World News 🌐⚡️
🇨🇳 #China makes a splash with new #AI_powered water cannon.

🌊 China has developed a new maritime technology that could reshape the future of non-lethal warfare. What is the new AI-powered water cannon capable of?

◾️It uses AI for real-time identification of targets and is capable of striking with a pressure of 1.2 megapascals at targets over 100 meters away.

◾️ It uses motion sensors to collect info and adjusts its ballistics in power and trajectory accordingly.

◾️It could boost China’s presence in the South China Sea and assert its maritime claims without the use of lethal force.

◾️ It could pave the way for intelligence strategies in place of brute force, and change the power dynamics of global conflicts.