CHILDHOOD : My Lost Friend—By-Farooque Rasheed Farooquee

Farooque Rasheed Farooquee
Oh dear childhood! I met you at the eve of my life but I could never forget you. I always pray for your return but I know you will never come back. Take whatever reputation, prosperity, skill, talent and knowledge I have but return to me please. I don’t want anything but you. Why did you leave me in the world of puzzles.

Think about sweet and golden period of childhood. How sweet and memorable it was! People remember their childhood and many of them say that childhood was the golden period of their life. Be he a poor man or a rhich one, an extra ordinary person or a common man, all of them remember their childhood.

Its the period of dreams and imaginations, it has many innocent questions and no answer. This period was free from all worries and tensions. Generally children are not very sensitive about their respect and dignity. They start quarrelling and crying for silly reasons and disputes but the very next moment they forget what actually had happened. The golden period of childhood will never come back. I advise to all dear children to make it memorable and successful. Enjoy every moment of your childhood and see the dreams for the future.

—Farooque Rasheed Farooquee
International Indian School, Riyadh