Jesus and the Truth

Jesus and the Truth:
Bismillah Hir-Rahman Nir-Raheem
Jesus shall return to the earth and once again he will come with the Truth. Two thousand years ago he came with the Truth but many rejected it, and that resulted in the Dark Ages. The Darkness that almost brought this world to the brink of its destruction – but Allah, through His mercy, saved this world, by giving hope to it through the Light of Islam.
But, as Allah has made it clear in His Book, the Quran, that Islam is His final religion, and if we take the dark path by following false scriptures then we shouldn’t expect another religion, from above, to come and save us. It is imperative that we should do our best to follow the Truth. And only the Quran contains the Truth – so devote all your time and effort only to the understanding of the Quran otherwise you will bring darkness and evil to this world. Don’t take my word for it, just take a look all around you and see the consequences of your false beliefs.
Do not allow the Truth to die out for without it earth has no hope or peace or future. Jesus will, once more, bring the Truth, but so has the Quran: if most men can reject the Truth from the Quran then what makes them think they will accept it from Jesus – Truth shall always be the one and same no matter whoever brings it. Amin!!